Client Results

Liberated relationships are one of the ways we actually create abundant justice, the understand that there is enough attention, care, resource, and connection for all of us to access belonging, to be in our dignity, and to be safe in community.
— Adrienne Maree Brown

The Somatic Group for DEI Leaders was a space that reminded me of how much wisdom and story is within my body. The space allowed me to center and consistently helped me to re-member somatic practices I learned before and can call in again. I also gained new practices that I found to be valuable to my current practices, and I imagine will expand my capacity in how I work with my clients. -Celesté Martinez, Owner of Celestial Alegría

It's been a cool journey. At first, I didn't know what to expect and after the second session, it clicked and I started connecting more with myself. Now, I feel like a new person, stronger, more confident, and living in the present where I should be. I feel like Sarah helped guide me through a serious, positive period of growth and transformation. I would highly recommend Sarah. She has a comforting and nurturing style, and I feel like she is rooting for me and is on my side.

-Sarah, Community Development Director

My intention was to learn ways to improve my performance and avoid burnout. I have enjoyed learning to center under stress and growing in the space around me. A somatic coaching approach is helpful to support professionals embody their experience and whats sparks curiosity and engages our senses within the space we are in. My declaration: "I am creating a discipline for the sake of building the character that I want to cultivate.."

-Kevin Hernandez, Small Business Outreach Manager, Artist, Activist, and Leader

I learned ways to interrupt not only overwhelm, but also triggers/habits/ patterns that aren't serving my goals. Sarah taught me simple techniques to stay in my body and better align with my intentions. I was seriously amazed by the impact that such small, simple practices and concepts have had on my thinking and my life. My declaration: "I am a commitment to connection and a gift to myself..."

-Lindsay Miller, Principal Consultant

Somatic awareness helped clarify a sense of purpose and better acknowledgement of my own person growth as a leader. Somatic coaching definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. It was hard to stop and take the time to reflect and to center myself before focusing on the tasks of my work. I still struggle to build consistent habits to engage in these practices, but I absolutely have the awareness of how it benefits me when I take the time. I appreciated moments, both with Sarah and on my own, when applying these techniques opened up new thinking and levels of creativity or articulation of ideas and goals.

-Kent, Executive Director

I was navigating organizational challenges, a high stress environment, and different management styles that created misalignment. I appreciated the space for self-reflection and to be in touch with my felt experience. For leaders who want to connect more with their mind/body experience, and lead from the heart, the body-centered approach is an approach that can be beneficial to embrace.

-Senior Leader, Woman

When I started, I felt the impossibility of it all. Now I feel rather accomplished that I was able to execute on as much as I did, and am in a place where my timeline is again mine and am excited for the new goals/challenges ahead. Sarah’s unquestionably responsive, user-centric approach provide actionable tools to navigate the overwhelming volume of work required of a founding Executive. Sarah helped me pause and appreciate what was going well, and learn somatic resources that can be easily implemented on the spot on a daily basis during difficult moments.

-Yuzo, Founding Director

I wanted support to heal trauma and navigate experiences of micro-aggressions in the workplace. These problems wiped me out, I focused a lot on them and was not able to focus on my work, it was difficult to turn off my "work" brain. During coaching, we centered our time around healing practices and allowing space between trauma and healing. My time spent with Sarah is still one that I carry with me even after my transition from my current workspace. I appreciate your heart and soul Sarah.

-Manager, Women of Color

During sessions, I was able to bring to life the intentions that I had written in my journal for our time together. And every time the coaching session ended, I felt full. I would find myself feeling less heavy and wanting to stay in that reflective space. I enjoyed integrating these practices with my journaling, meditation, and yoga.

-Program Director

If you struggle with being connected with your body, Sarah's ability to incorporate the modality of somatic coaching was helpful. I wanted tools to address anxiety, self love, doubt, struggling with managing my breathing while speaking especially when anxious or excited. Sarah's reminders to help me re-ground myself, slow down and breathe were incredibly helpful. I am more connected to my body than I was before the coaching.

-Reid, Coach

I worked with Sarah as I was starting my own small business, and her wisdom, insight and thoughtful approach were invaluable...within less than a year of having Sarah as a business and life coach, my small business turned it’s first profit!

-Kayla, Grant Manager & Founder Same Plate

Sarah is a great coach to connect with yourself and access deep emotional insights. She provides space and all her senses to support in exploring what is relevant for you. Virtual sessions are highly effective, she has a great presence and ensures that one also uses the somatic cues for self-awareness. I learned to trust in the process, go beyond the obvious, it pays off. Even simple topics can have deep roots.

-Rainer, Coach & Consultant

I came in having a fairly homogenous writing course, and not being fully expressed in the importance of diversity in my life and business. Coaching helped me open up. The process was open, non-judgmental, and fluid, which at times was challenging for me but at other times was exactly what I needed to explore in my own way. She helped me find my own way and expression of inclusion in my business.

-June, Book Coach & Founder of Vola Sessions

I have learned about ways to better incorporate appreciating the diverse set of people around me. When it comes to making decisions, awareness is key. With this information, I am better able to perceive where people are, where we may be as a group--or how we lean one particular way to "get things done," and, how that may make people feel in the group--which could be less trusting of acceptance of differences.

-Ed, Engineer

I was working to feel more confident in my marketing process. Wonderful experience to connect my creativity to compassion & to keep going deeper. The "challenge" is still there, but I have shifted where I'm at in relation to it, and uncovered a lot of other great things along the way. Sarah brings ease to coaching, allowing for the trust & safety that welcomes vulnerability & from that to create new habits of thought and action in line with what matters to me.

- JC, Leadership Coach

Sarah has a calming energy and put me at ease. My concern was about saying the wrong thing. I’m now noticing not to overthink it as much. If I get it wrong the person will probably tell me, and I shouldn’t be afraid of that.

-Stewart, Board Member

Sarah helped me to dial in on concerns or questions I had about the future of different projects. Her questions helped me to parse through challenges I had been experiencing in my work, both task based and interpersonal. Once those were surfaced we were able to work on ideas for addressing them, and then I had the opportunity to practice those things and come back for reflection.

-Colin, Trainer & Conflict Resolution Coordinator

Having retired from a long analytical and science career developing new medical devices, I sought somatic coaching to develop new aspects of myself to enhance my relationships. It offered a different way to get in touch with my emotions and expand my understanding of others, including increased feelings of self-dignity, love and beauty. I was guided into imagining and feeling barriers I experienced in my relationships with others. As I understood my yearnings for connection with family, friends, and helping others, I was able to connect to specific actions I could take.

-SL, Retired Engineer

I have learned that I have a lot to learn about intercultural relationships. I also have learned to be more aware of white privilege, to slow down, add a cultural filter to my comments, and be more sensitive.
